Covid19 data analysis#

Data analysis often requiring pre-processing of the data before the actual analysis. One must have a good understanding of not only the contents of the data but also must pay attention to the layout of the data. Many a times it is imperative to change the layout of the data to perform the analysis that we intend to do. We’ll now look at some of these concepts in action using the Covid19 data avaiable from Our World in Data. The csv file is available here.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sys
df1 = pd.read_csv("owid-covid-data.csv")
(214477, 67)
iso_code continent location date total_cases new_cases new_cases_smoothed total_deaths new_deaths new_deaths_smoothed ... female_smokers male_smokers handwashing_facilities hospital_beds_per_thousand life_expectancy human_development_index excess_mortality_cumulative_absolute excess_mortality_cumulative excess_mortality excess_mortality_cumulative_per_million
214472 ZWE Africa Zimbabwe 2022-09-02 256744.0 6.0 8.857 5596.0 0.0 0.429 ... 1.6 30.7 36.791 1.7 61.49 0.571 NaN NaN NaN NaN
214473 ZWE Africa Zimbabwe 2022-09-03 256755.0 11.0 10.429 5596.0 0.0 0.429 ... 1.6 30.7 36.791 1.7 61.49 0.571 NaN NaN NaN NaN
214474 ZWE Africa Zimbabwe 2022-09-04 256763.0 8.0 9.143 5596.0 0.0 0.429 ... 1.6 30.7 36.791 1.7 61.49 0.571 NaN NaN NaN NaN
214475 ZWE Africa Zimbabwe 2022-09-05 256769.0 6.0 9.286 5596.0 0.0 0.429 ... 1.6 30.7 36.791 1.7 61.49 0.571 NaN NaN NaN NaN
214476 ZWE Africa Zimbabwe 2022-09-06 256782.0 13.0 10.571 5596.0 0.0 0.429 ... 1.6 30.7 36.791 1.7 61.49 0.571 NaN NaN NaN NaN

5 rows × 67 columns

This is a large dataset having thousands of rows and multiple columns. First, lets check what all information we have in this dataset i.e. what all columns are there. This can be achived by columns attribute of the dataframe. Please refer to the Our World in Data website for more information about the contents of this dataset.

Index(['iso_code', 'continent', 'location', 'date', 'total_cases', 'new_cases',
       'new_cases_smoothed', 'total_deaths', 'new_deaths',
       'new_deaths_smoothed', 'total_cases_per_million',
       'new_cases_per_million', 'new_cases_smoothed_per_million',
       'total_deaths_per_million', 'new_deaths_per_million',
       'new_deaths_smoothed_per_million', 'reproduction_rate', 'icu_patients',
       'icu_patients_per_million', 'hosp_patients',
       'hosp_patients_per_million', 'weekly_icu_admissions',
       'weekly_icu_admissions_per_million', 'weekly_hosp_admissions',
       'weekly_hosp_admissions_per_million', 'total_tests', 'new_tests',
       'total_tests_per_thousand', 'new_tests_per_thousand',
       'new_tests_smoothed', 'new_tests_smoothed_per_thousand',
       'positive_rate', 'tests_per_case', 'tests_units', 'total_vaccinations',
       'people_vaccinated', 'people_fully_vaccinated', 'total_boosters',
       'new_vaccinations', 'new_vaccinations_smoothed',
       'total_vaccinations_per_hundred', 'people_vaccinated_per_hundred',
       'people_fully_vaccinated_per_hundred', 'total_boosters_per_hundred',
       'new_people_vaccinated_smoothed_per_hundred', 'stringency_index',
       'population', 'population_density', 'median_age', 'aged_65_older',
       'aged_70_older', 'gdp_per_capita', 'extreme_poverty',
       'cardiovasc_death_rate', 'diabetes_prevalence', 'female_smokers',
       'male_smokers', 'handwashing_facilities', 'hospital_beds_per_thousand',
       'life_expectancy', 'human_development_index',
       'excess_mortality_cumulative_absolute', 'excess_mortality_cumulative',
       'excess_mortality', 'excess_mortality_cumulative_per_million'],

Next, we need to ask question(s) that we would like to be addressed through the analysis of this data. One such question could be – which are the top 10 countries with the highest number of total Covid19 cases? Given our dataset, we need to breakdown this problem into different steps. First get all the rows with the most current date in the date column. For this example we’ll retain only the location and total_cases columns although we can certain retain the entire dataset as well. An important point to note here is that that the location column need not have only the names of countries; there are certain groups name that are present as well, which we need to filter out. To filter these non-country location we need to prepare a list of all such group names (viz. World, Asia, etc). This list would then be passed to the isin function to make the required selection from the original dataframe. Next, using the nlargest function we can get the top n values for the total_cases column. The total_cases are formated to show the values with commas.

top_10 = df1[df1["date"]=="2022-09-06"][["location","total_cases"]]
groups_list = ["World","High income","Upper middle income", "Europe", "Asia", "European Union", \
               "Africa", "Lower middle income", "North America", "South America"]
top_10 = top_10.loc[~top_10["location"].isin(groups_list)] # note the ~ operator
top_10 = top_10.nlargest(10,"total_cases").reset_index(drop=True){"total_cases": "{:,.0f}"})
  location total_cases
0 United States 94,898,863
1 India 44,469,661
2 France 34,685,277
3 Brazil 34,477,539
4 Germany 32,344,032
5 South Korea 23,791,961
6 United Kingdom 23,521,792
7 Italy 21,969,725
8 Japan 19,640,667
9 Russia 19,521,190

To get countries with the maximum number of cases per continent, we can use the groupby function to group the dataframe by continent column. Then using the idmax function the indices of the highest value for the total_cases column is retrieved. To get the final list, use these indices to get rows by location i.e. with the loc attribute of the dataframe.

top_10_cont = df1[["continent","location","total_cases"]]
continent location total_cases
0 Africa South Africa 4012920.0
1 Asia India 44469661.0
2 Europe France 34685277.0
3 North America United States 94898863.0
4 Oceania Australia 10095000.0
5 South America Brazil 34477539.0

Bar plot of top 10 countries.

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.barh(top_10["location"],top_10["total_cases"], color="lightblue")

Changing axis scale#

On a linear scale there is a fixed increment at regular intervals. The positioning of the tick marks on the axis for a graph with linear scale is calculated by addition. Whereas, on a log scale the ticks on the axis are marked using multiplication factor. This makes log scale graphs less intuitive to understand the underlying information and therefore it requires some training to parse graphs with log scale. Let’s plot some data to get a clarity on this distinction between these scales. For this example, we’ll plot exponential curve i.e. the values would be like 1,2,4,8,16,32…etc. The graphs below shows this trend plotted with y-axis having a linear (left) and a log (right) scale. Notice how different the two curves look! The log scale graph is useful in interpreting the pattern of the growth such that an exponential growth on a log scale would result in a straight line.

import numpy as np
x = range(1,11)
y = []
for a in x:
    N = N*2

fig, (ax1,ax2) = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2,figsize=(9,3))
ax1.set_title("Linear Scale")
ax2.set_title("Log Scale")

Let’s plot the emergence of new cases on linear and log scales.


df1[df1["location"]=="India"].plot(x="date", y="total_cases",ax=ax[0])
df1[df1["location"]=="United States"].plot(x="date", y="total_cases",ax=ax[0])
df1[df1["location"]=="France"].plot(x="date", y="total_cases",ax=ax[0])
ax[0].legend(["India","United States", "France"])
ax[0].set_ylabel("Total Cases")

df1[df1["location"]=="India"].plot(x="date", y="total_cases",ax=ax[1])
df1[df1["location"]=="United States"].plot(x="date", y="total_cases",ax=ax[1])
df1[df1["location"]=="France"].plot(x="date", y="total_cases",ax=ax[1])
plt.legend(["India","United States", "France"])
ax[1].legend(["India","United States", "France"])
ax[1].set_ylabel("Total Cases")

Function to plot total cases#

We can write a function to plot the time series of total cases for any location(s). This function would be define with *args to hold a list of locations that need to be plotted.

def plot_country(*args):
    for c in args:
        df1[df1["location"]==c].plot(x="date", y="total_cases",ax=ax)

plot_country("India","United States")

The visualize emergence of new cases over time, we need to plot the new_cases for a given location. This kind of plot would give us an idea about the “waves” of the pandemic.

df1[df1["location"]=="India"].plot(x="date", y="new_cases",ax=ax)
plt.ylabel("Number of cases")

The datetime object#

The analyze a particular country in detail, a subset of the dataframe can be created having data for only that country. In the example below we’ll make a dataframe for location “India” and then we’ll find out number of monthly cases in a specific year. For this we’ll first need to change the datatype of the “date” column to pandas datetime64[ns] datatype. The datatypes for all the columns can be checked by used the dtypes attribute for the dataframe.

df_India = df1[df1["location"]=="India"]
iso_code continent location date total_cases new_cases new_cases_smoothed total_deaths new_deaths new_deaths_smoothed ... female_smokers male_smokers handwashing_facilities hospital_beds_per_thousand life_expectancy human_development_index excess_mortality_cumulative_absolute excess_mortality_cumulative excess_mortality excess_mortality_cumulative_per_million
88211 IND Asia India 2020-01-30 1.0 1.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN ... 1.9 20.6 59.55 0.53 69.66 0.645 NaN NaN NaN NaN
88212 IND Asia India 2020-01-31 1.0 0.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN ... 1.9 20.6 59.55 0.53 69.66 0.645 NaN NaN NaN NaN
88213 IND Asia India 2020-02-01 1.0 0.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN ... 1.9 20.6 59.55 0.53 69.66 0.645 NaN NaN NaN NaN
88214 IND Asia India 2020-02-02 2.0 1.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN ... 1.9 20.6 59.55 0.53 69.66 0.645 NaN NaN NaN NaN
88215 IND Asia India 2020-02-03 3.0 1.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN ... 1.9 20.6 59.55 0.53 69.66 0.645 NaN NaN NaN NaN

5 rows × 67 columns

print("The data type for the date column is", df_India['date'].dtype)
df_India['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df_India['date'])
print("The data type for the date column is", df_India['date'].dtype)
The data type for the date column is object
The data type for the date column is datetime64[ns]
C:\Users\bioinfo guru\AppData\Local\Temp\ipykernel_22372\ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:
  df_India['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df_India['date'])
df_India_2022 = df_India[(df_India["date"] >= '2022-01-01')]
iso_code                                           object
continent                                          object
location                                           object
date                                       datetime64[ns]
total_cases                                       float64
human_development_index                           float64
excess_mortality_cumulative_absolute              float64
excess_mortality_cumulative                       float64
excess_mortality                                  float64
excess_mortality_cumulative_per_million           float64
Length: 67, dtype: object
df_months = df_India_2022.groupby(df_India_2022['date'].dt.strftime('%B'))["new_cases"].sum().to_frame().reset_index(){"new_cases": "{:,.0f}"})
  date new_cases
0 April 53,413
1 August 400,064
2 February 1,461,546
3 January 6,607,920
4 July 567,041
5 June 308,402
6 March 94,730
7 May 81,644
8 September 33,322

Categorical variables#

To sort the dataframe by month, we need to first change the data type of the months column to catagorical since the default data type of this column (object) would lead to sorting by alphabetical order. We would like to sort this column by the order that we see in a calender (which, of course, is not alphabetical).

import ipywidgets as widgets

df_months.sort_values(by="date",inplace=True, ignore_index=True)
df_months_1 ="Date as object data type")
df_months_1.format({"new_cases": "{:,.0f}"})
output1 = widgets.Output()
with output1:

months = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", 
          "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"]
df_months['date'] = pd.Categorical(df_months['date'], categories=months, ordered=True)
df_months.sort_values(by="date",inplace=True, ignore_index=True)
df_months_2 ="Date as catagorical data type")
df_months_2.format({"new_cases": "{:,.0f}"})
output2 = widgets.Output()
with output2:

two_columns = widgets.HBox([output1, output2])
df_months.plot(kind="bar",xlabel="date", ax=ax)
ax.set_xticklabels(["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", \
          "July", "August", "September"])
plt.ylabel("Number of cases")
df_India_2022["date"] = df_India_2022["date"].dt.strftime('%B')
months = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June","July", "August", "September"]
df_India_2022['date'] = pd.Categorical(df_India_2022['date'], categories=months, ordered=True)
df_India_2022.sort_values(by="date",inplace=True, ignore_index=True)
C:\Users\bioinfo guru\AppData\Local\Temp\ipykernel_22372\ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:
  df_India_2022["date"] = df_India_2022["date"].dt.strftime('%B')
C:\Users\bioinfo guru\AppData\Local\Temp\ipykernel_22372\ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:
  df_India_2022['date'] = pd.Categorical(df_India_2022['date'], categories=months, ordered=True)
C:\Users\bioinfo guru\AppData\Local\Temp\ipykernel_22372\ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame

See the caveats in the documentation:
  df_India_2022.sort_values(by="date",inplace=True, ignore_index=True)
iso_code continent location date total_cases new_cases new_cases_smoothed total_deaths new_deaths new_deaths_smoothed ... female_smokers male_smokers handwashing_facilities hospital_beds_per_thousand life_expectancy human_development_index excess_mortality_cumulative_absolute excess_mortality_cumulative excess_mortality excess_mortality_cumulative_per_million
0 IND Asia India January 34889132.0 27553.0 14618.571 481770.0 284.0 298.286 ... 1.9 20.6 59.55 0.53 69.66 0.645 NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 IND Asia India January 41469499.0 167059.0 238613.857 496242.0 1192.0 825.714 ... 1.9 20.6 59.55 0.53 69.66 0.645 NaN NaN NaN NaN
2 IND Asia India January 41302440.0 209918.0 251301.714 495050.0 959.0 743.143 ... 1.9 20.6 59.55 0.53 69.66 0.645 NaN NaN NaN NaN
3 IND Asia India January 41092522.0 234281.0 265036.857 494091.0 893.0 668.857 ... 1.9 20.6 59.55 0.53 69.66 0.645 NaN NaN NaN NaN
4 IND Asia India January 40858241.0 235532.0 279215.714 493198.0 871.0 616.286 ... 1.9 20.6 59.55 0.53 69.66 0.645 NaN NaN NaN NaN

5 rows × 67 columns

ax = df_India_2022.boxplot(column="new_cases",by="date")

Data visualization#

import seaborn as sns
new_df = df1.loc[df1['location'].isin(["India","United States"])]
iso_code continent location date total_cases new_cases new_cases_smoothed total_deaths new_deaths new_deaths_smoothed ... female_smokers male_smokers handwashing_facilities hospital_beds_per_thousand life_expectancy human_development_index excess_mortality_cumulative_absolute excess_mortality_cumulative excess_mortality excess_mortality_cumulative_per_million
88211 IND Asia India 2020-01-30 1.0 1.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN ... 1.9 20.6 59.55 0.53 69.66 0.645 NaN NaN NaN NaN
88212 IND Asia India 2020-01-31 1.0 0.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN ... 1.9 20.6 59.55 0.53 69.66 0.645 NaN NaN NaN NaN
88213 IND Asia India 2020-02-01 1.0 0.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN ... 1.9 20.6 59.55 0.53 69.66 0.645 NaN NaN NaN NaN
88214 IND Asia India 2020-02-02 2.0 1.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN ... 1.9 20.6 59.55 0.53 69.66 0.645 NaN NaN NaN NaN
88215 IND Asia India 2020-02-03 3.0 1.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN ... 1.9 20.6 59.55 0.53 69.66 0.645 NaN NaN NaN NaN
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
203103 USA North America United States 2022-09-02 94733881.0 82785.0 78205.571 1047482.0 472.0 501.571 ... 19.1 24.6 NaN 2.77 78.86 0.926 NaN NaN NaN NaN
203104 USA North America United States 2022-09-03 94743672.0 9791.0 77982.714 1047504.0 22.0 500.429 ... 19.1 24.6 NaN 2.77 78.86 0.926 NaN NaN NaN NaN
203105 USA North America United States 2022-09-04 94749783.0 6111.0 77879.571 1047505.0 1.0 500.286 ... 19.1 24.6 NaN 2.77 78.86 0.926 NaN NaN NaN NaN
203106 USA North America United States 2022-09-05 94769820.0 20037.0 66083.857 1047576.0 71.0 444.714 ... 19.1 24.6 NaN 2.77 78.86 0.926 NaN NaN NaN NaN
203107 USA North America United States 2022-09-06 94898863.0 129043.0 74251.286 1048201.0 625.0 484.571 ... 19.1 24.6 NaN 2.77 78.86 0.926 NaN NaN NaN NaN

1910 rows × 67 columns

              x="new_cases",y="new_deaths", hue="location")
<seaborn.axisgrid.JointGrid at 0x2373e168ee0>
sns.jointplot(data=new_df, x="total_cases",y="total_vaccinations", hue="location")
<seaborn.axisgrid.JointGrid at 0x2372a775850>
<seaborn.axisgrid.PairGrid at 0x2372a4eb490>


The geopandas library facilitates plot data over maps and can be installed using the command pip install geopandas. To work with this library, we need the shape files for the locations over which the data needs to be plotted. Here, we’ll plot the total_cases over the world map. We’ll use the countries shape files from this link.

import geopandas as gpd

First we’ll create a new dataframe having the last row for each country since that would have the lastest count for the total_cases.

df1_last = df1.groupby('location').last()
iso_code continent date total_cases new_cases new_cases_smoothed total_deaths new_deaths new_deaths_smoothed total_cases_per_million ... female_smokers male_smokers handwashing_facilities hospital_beds_per_thousand life_expectancy human_development_index excess_mortality_cumulative_absolute excess_mortality_cumulative excess_mortality excess_mortality_cumulative_per_million
Afghanistan AFG Asia 2022-09-06 194614.0 259.0 230.000 7783.0 0.0 0.857 4853.282 ... NaN NaN 37.746 0.50 64.83 0.511 NaN NaN NaN NaN
Africa OWID_AFR None 2022-09-06 12333163.0 1550.0 1188.714 256572.0 5.0 7.714 8857.522 ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
Albania ALB Europe 2022-09-06 330283.0 62.0 180.857 3583.0 0.0 0.143 115697.566 ... 7.1 51.2 NaN 2.89 78.57 0.795 16257.3 32.60 -3.38 5694.904211
Algeria DZA Africa 2022-09-06 270476.0 15.0 29.143 6879.0 0.0 0.143 6122.418 ... 0.7 30.4 83.741 1.90 76.88 0.748 49888.7 26.86 29.47 1129.266490
Andorra AND Europe 2022-09-06 46027.0 0.0 0.000 154.0 0.0 0.000 582369.613 ... 29.0 37.8 NaN NaN 83.73 0.868 89.6 27.20 31.41 1133.689298

5 rows × 66 columns

Read the shape file into a dataframe

gdf = gpd.read_file('C:/Users/bioinfo guru/Downloads/ne_110m_land/ne_110m_admin_0_countries.shp') 

The next step is to merge the Covid-19 dataframe with the shape file dataframe created above. The country name in two dataframe will be used for this merging. An important point to consider here is that the names for different countries in the two dataframes should be exactly same for this merging to work correctly. In the gdf dataframe, under the SOVEREIGNT column the full name for USA is United States of America while in our Covid-19 dataframe it is United States. So, we’ll edit gdf to make the country name same in the two dataframes. Similarly, we must ensure that other names match as well.

gdf = gdf.replace(['United States of America'], 'United States')
0 Admin-0 country 1 6 Fiji FJI 0 2 Sovereign country 1 Fiji ... None None None None None None None None None MULTIPOLYGON (((180.00000 -16.06713, 180.00000...
1 Admin-0 country 1 3 United Republic of Tanzania TZA 0 2 Sovereign country 1 United Republic of Tanzania ... None None None None None None None None None POLYGON ((33.90371 -0.95000, 34.07262 -1.05982...
2 Admin-0 country 1 7 Western Sahara SAH 0 2 Indeterminate 1 Western Sahara ... Unrecognized Unrecognized Unrecognized None None Unrecognized None None None POLYGON ((-8.66559 27.65643, -8.66512 27.58948...
3 Admin-0 country 1 2 Canada CAN 0 2 Sovereign country 1 Canada ... None None None None None None None None None MULTIPOLYGON (((-122.84000 49.00000, -122.9742...
4 Admin-0 country 1 2 United States US1 1 2 Country 1 United States ... None None None None None None None None None MULTIPOLYGON (((-122.84000 49.00000, -120.0000...
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
172 Admin-0 country 1 5 Republic of Serbia SRB 0 2 Sovereign country 1 Republic of Serbia ... None None None None None None None None None POLYGON ((18.82982 45.90887, 18.82984 45.90888...
173 Admin-0 country 1 6 Montenegro MNE 0 2 Sovereign country 1 Montenegro ... None None None None None None None None None POLYGON ((20.07070 42.58863, 19.80161 42.50009...
174 Admin-0 country 1 6 Kosovo KOS 0 2 Disputed 1 Kosovo ... Admin-0 country Unrecognized Admin-0 country Unrecognized Admin-0 country Admin-0 country Admin-0 country Admin-0 country Unrecognized POLYGON ((20.59025 41.85541, 20.52295 42.21787...
175 Admin-0 country 1 5 Trinidad and Tobago TTO 0 2 Sovereign country 1 Trinidad and Tobago ... None None None None None None None None None POLYGON ((-61.68000 10.76000, -61.10500 10.890...
176 Admin-0 country 1 3 South Sudan SDS 0 2 Sovereign country 1 South Sudan ... None None None None None None None None None POLYGON ((30.83385 3.50917, 29.95350 4.17370, ...

177 rows × 169 columns

Now, lets merge the two dataframes on country names i.e. gdf on SOVEREIGNT and df1_last on location.

merged_gdf = gdf.merge(df1_last, left_on='SOVEREIGNT', right_on='location')

Plot the data

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(10,  6))
merged_gdf.plot(column='total_cases', cmap='YlOrRd', linewidth=0.8, ax=ax, edgecolor='0.8', legend=True)
plt.title('COVID-19 Cases by Area')